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Direct Hair Transplant: A Revolution In Hair Restoration Science

Direct Hair Transplant: A Revolution In Hair Restoration Science

Dr. Arika Bansal
Dr. Arika Bansal

7 September, 2022

It’s been decades since the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique of hair restoration has left a favourable impression among hair transplant surgeons and patients who are dealing with hair loss. Well, this is quite obvious as the said technique has significant advantages over the Follicular Unit Transplant technique (FUT), which was used earlier when FUE had not come into the picture.

But one who stops challenging himself stops growing as an individual.A similar theory is applicable in the world of hair restoration as well. Eugenix is proud to share that they are pioneers of the Direct Hair Transplant technique of hair restoration. Not to brag, but this is undeniable that this technique is simply a revolution in hair restoration science. Significant improvement in techniques of hair restoration is nothing but a glimpse of this technique. You might have heard of this before, this is why your google search of DHT hair transplant cost in India lead you here.

Before we enumerate the advantages of this technique, let us first understand the difference between the procedure of DHT and the globally recognized hair restoration technique; FUE.

Procedure Of FUE

Step 1.  In the first step under this technique, your hair surgeon will extract the grafts from your donor area.

Step 2. Then the surgeon will make slits in your recipient area.

Step 3. Finally, the grafts will be implanted in your recipient area.

The Procedure Of Direct Hair Transplant

Step 1. Here in this technique, instead of extracting grafts first, slits will be drawn on the recipient area of your scalp.

Step 2. The second and final step will be simultaneous extraction and implantation of grafts.

Now, that you have been walked through the scientific procedure of both the techniques one advantage you might have figured out is that even being a fellow from a non-medical background; i.e. the Direct Hair Transplant technique involves just two steps. So, it is quite evident that reducing steps involved in surgery ensures reduced complications for instance. Now, let’s have an overview of the detailed advantages of this technique over the conventional FUE technique.

  • Reduced transit time of grafts, as grafts are being extracted and implanted simultaneously. Consequently, it minimizes physical handling, mechanical trauma, chances of desiccation, hypoxia, and infection.
  • Almost 100% graft survivability as grafts are out of your body for a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • Involves no root touch technology leading to a smooth surgery and again higher survivability of your grafts.

Ensuring almost 100% graft survivability, reducing transit time of grafts, and ensuring to complete the surgery in the minimum possible time, this technology is eligible to be called a revolution in hair restoration science.

Dr. Pradeep Sethi, founder of Eugenix along with Dr. Arika Bansal, co-founder of Eugenix possess those minds who sprouted the Direct Hair Transplant technique at first. Thus, it is needless to mention that if by any chance you are dealing with hair loss and you need hair restoration services, then in such a case, Eugenix must be your first choice. The one who is so dynamic in handling a technique will very well handle your case. Do not look for the best hair transplant in India cost, just trust Eugenix. Good luck with your restoration journey!

Dr. Arika Bansal

Dr. Arika Bansal

One of only a few female surgeons specializing in hair transplant surgery in India, Dr. Arika Bansal has been voted one of the best doctors in the world. She maintains an active membership in the ISHRS and regularly submits research papers to medical journals. 15+ years down the line, 15,000+ surgeries are accomplished under Dr. Bansal’s supervision. She specializes in female hair transplant, density improvement, corrective hair transplantation and hairline design.

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