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Fact Or Fad: Can Onion Juice Regrow Hair?

Fact Or Fad: Can Onion Juice Regrow Hair?

Dr. Arika Bansal
Dr. Arika Bansal

12 July, 2022

Long, voluminous and lustrous hair is something which no one can deny but we also speculate that can onion juice re-grow hair naturally? We all want to flaunt beautiful hair. Healthy hair is not anymore gender specific, we all want it, be it, men or women. What we do not do to maintain the aesthetics of our hair. Countless hair care products, healthy lifestyle, perfect styling, etc. But, home remedies are still not out of trend for healthy hair. This read will be dedicated to one such home remedy for long and healthy hair.

Onion juice is all the rage these days. It’s added to shampoos, hair oils, and hair packs. But the real question is, can onion juice re-grow hair or is this just a marketing gimmick used to sell more hair care products to gullible people?


  • Does onion juice really grow hair?
  • How to use onion juice for hair?
  • How does onion juice work?
  • How onion juice can do miracles with coconut oil?
  • Ever thought of mixing eggs with onion juice?
  • Even castor oil can be mixed with onion juice
  • Some important points to consider while applying onion juice

Does Onion Juice Really Grow Hair?

Eugenix Hair Sciences

The simplest way to answer this question is an emphatic yes! Onion juice can re-grow hair. But if you’re wondering, how can onion juice re-grow hair? It’s good to keep in mind that onions contain sulfur, which is a key component of keratin or the protein that helps with hair growth.

Sulfur also helps in removing sebum and tough, flaky dandruff from the scalp. That’s the reason it is an active component in several shampoos and hair masks. It’s important to note that excess use of sulfur can cause the scalp to itch. Therefore, it’s important to use it in moderation.

Onions may help improve circulation, according to certain theories. The blood flow to hair follicles may be increased when you apply onion juice to the scalp and hair, which would enhance hair growth.

Onion juice’s ability to stop hair loss has been studied, but not its other health advantages.

2002 research

The hair loss science of onion juice was put to the test by Trusted Source. When compared to the group that used tap water to wash their hair, the onion juice group saw higher hair growth. Additionally, men seemed to gain more than women.

How To Use Onion Juice For Hair?

Let’s first take a look at how onion juice is extracted and what are some of the best ways of incorporating it into your hair care regimen:

•   Step 1: Wash, peel and finely slice an onion.

•   Step 2: Add it to a blender and blend it till it turns into a pulp.

•   Step 3: Drain the juice using a soft muslin cloth and toss out the remaining pulp.

•   Step 4: With the help of a cotton ball, gently apply the juice directly onto the scalp.

Note: You can chop and blend the pulp of 3-4 onions and keep it in an airtight container to use regularly on the scalp. This way, you wouldn’t have to worry about preparing this concoction every other day. Remember to keep the container in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t get rancid.

How Does Onion Juice Work?

Eugenix Hair Sciences

Onion juice is a one-stop shop for everything from encouraging hair growth to preventing breakage and hair loss. So, whether you are experiencing rapid hair loss or are just seeking a natural method to maintain thick, healthy hair, you just have found the solution! According to studies, employing onion juice for healthy hair produces observable benefits in just 4 weeks.

It Reaps The Following Advantages:

  • The reason you notice a sharp rise in hair growth is that injecting onion juice into your head is a terrific technique to promote an antioxidant called enzymes.
  • To nourish your hair strands and awaken sleeping hair follicles to lessen hair loss and promote hair growth, eat an onion. Onions are high in sulfur.
  • Onion juice helps prevent environmental harm because it is an excellent source of antioxidants. This indicates that frequently rubbing the head with onion juice will both stop and delay hair greying.
  • Onion juice’s antimicrobial qualities prevent scalp infections and promote healthy hair development. Additionally, applying onion juice on a regular basis is a fantastic approach to seeing a noticeable decrease in hair fall.

How Onion Juice Can Do Miracles With Coconut Oil?

Eugenix Hair Sciences

On damaged, thinning hair, combining coconut oil and onion juice is like a miracle. La uric acid, Medium-chain fatty acids, caprylic acid and capric acid, are abundant in coconut oil. Strong anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial activities are present in these beneficial fats. Removing any fungus and harmful germs that may be present on your scalp helps to maintain the health of the scalp. A nd healthy hair is the starting point for developing thick, gorgeous hair. The best outcomes come from using it on different days. Apply an equal mixture of both for about an hour.

Ever Thought Of Mixing Eggs With Onion Juice?


Eggs must be the one component that actually works wonders to solve a multitude of hair problems. Egg whites and onion juice are highly efficient home treatments for hair growth. This hair mask combines the growth-promoting effects of onion juice with the nutritional content of eggs. This hair mask feeds and nourishes your scalp to maintain it clear and healthy because of the significant protein concentration of eggs. This is what makes your hair incredibly healthy, strong, and thick and accelerates hair growth. For optimal results, use 1-2 times weekly.

How To Prepare This Mixture: –

  • Step 01: is to crack an egg and extract the yolk from the white egg.
  • Step 02: Combine the egg yolk and onion syrup in a mixing basin. Together, whisk the two ingredients until the mixture is smooth.
  • Step 3: Massage this concoction into your scalp and down your locks. Leave it on for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Step 4: Use a mild wash and cool water to rinse it off. You can also use a gentle shampoo like Dove.

Even Castor Oil Can Be Mixed With Onion Juice–

Castor oil is the most effective natural hair growth treatment. It is among the most well-known and frequently used oils to encourage hair growth and strengthen it. Additionally, this oil thickens hair and promotes hair health. Castor oil and onion juice work incredibly well together to promote hair growth by reducing hair loss and boosting hair volume and thickness. The best outcomes come from using it on different days. Apply an equal mixture for about an hour on your scalp.

Some Important Points To Consider While Applying Onion Juice

Eugenix Hair Sciences

  • Smell: Probably this is the leading concern for anyone who wishes to apply onion juice for healthy hair and how they will get rid of the smell that onion juice leaves behind. There are a few methods for removing the onion scent from your hair. Use a scented cleansing shampoo, a lemon-water solution, drops of oil of tea tree oil, or any other combination of these.
  • Side effects: For those with sensitive skin, pure onion juice might occasionally result in redness and itching. Additionally, avoid using the component if you have major hair problems like alopecia because it can aggravate your scalp and cause more hair loss.
  • Overnight application:It is not advised for beginners to keep onion juice in their hair overnight. However, you can keep it overnight if you are experienced with the DIY method. Simply spread out a towel to prevent it from getting on your pillows.
Dr. Arika Bansal

Dr. Arika Bansal

One of only a few female surgeons specializing in hair transplant surgery in India, Dr. Arika Bansal has been voted one of the best doctors in the world. She maintains an active membership in the ISHRS and regularly submits research papers to medical journals. 15+ years down the line, 15,000+ surgeries are accomplished under Dr. Bansal’s supervision. She specializes in female hair transplant, density improvement, corrective hair transplantation and hairline design.

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