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The Best Age For Hair Transplant

The Best Age For Hair Transplant

Dr. Arika Bansal
Dr. Arika Bansal

15 September, 2022

Are falling hair strands in your bathroom after your bath or in your comb bothering you? You need not worry much about this, because you are not the only one. Hair loss or hair-related problems might sound familiar to nine out of ten people. Shedding 50-150 hair strands daily is considered normal. But the situation is to be taken care of if in case you shed more than normal on a daily basis. Evidently, you will not right away go for a hair transplant after witnessing hair loss. Chances are there that you might suffer hair loss at an early age. In such a case, you ought to be reluctant to hair transplant at age 19+.Now, you must be wondering about the hair transplant age limit.

Before Answering The Above Wonder, Let Us First Understand The Reason For Hair Loss:

  • Frequent changes in hairstyle and using excessive tools like hair dryer, straightener, curler, etc. is a great factor in hair damage and subsequently hair loss.
  • Deficiency in certain vitamins and nutrients because of a lack of a healthy lifestyle and eating habits also contributes to hair loss.
  • If you are diagnosed with hypertension, depression or excessive stress then be aware of the fact that these might also result in hair loss.
  • Various usage of medicines and drugs that results in blood thinning also result in hair loss.
  • Some hard water constituents also result in hair loss.
  • Beware, your smoking habits might also result in hair loss.
  • Genetical reasons are one of the major reasons for hair loss.
  • A very common and obvious cause of hair loss is aging which might make you wonder about hair transplant at age 50+.

Instead of wondering about the hair transplant age limit, you must wonder how to restrict hair loss, without undergoing a hair transplant. Using mild shampoo and other hair care products, consuming a balanced diet, and avoiding alcohol and smoking, are some measures of prevention of hair loss.

Coming to the point of hair transplant age limit, the simple answer is at any age when you experience hair loss beyond control. There is no upper age limit. This surgery can be performed on old ones without any kind of risk. Provided you have a good donor area, you are good enough for hair transplant surgery.

There was once a misconception that hair transplants could not be performed on patients under the age of 24. This was due to the misconception that hair transplant doctors had to await until you had fully lost all of your hair or had begun to exhibit the trend of your loss of hair was takes place. This theory might discourage you to think about a hair transplant at age 25+.

A person who may not possess enough hair to conceal a significant region of loss in the future could have avoided intensive design of hairline by waiting for the trend to emerge. We don’t have to wait nearly as long as in the past, though, thanks to technological advancements. Now you don’t have to really think about hair transplantation at age 40+.

Statistically speaking, a lot of hair transplants are done when a person is relatively young. It is the age where a hair transplant works the most effectively because by that time you still have a lot of your hair intact and you have lost a considerable amount of hair that you can get back through a hair transplant. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that it would be a lot more convenient for you to get a transplant done when you still have some hair and your hair loss is not that noticeable, as obviously people would not like other people recognizing that they are going bald. Another reason people opt for a hair transplant when they are in their early to mid-adulthood is that most people get married when they are that age. A wedding is something that is very important for almost every man and every man wants to look his best while getting married, a good amount of hair and a good hairstyle surely helps.

So, the thumb rule here is that you should get a hair transplant done as soon as you notice substantial hair loss, there’s no point in delaying it. Also, there is no particular age that can be deemed perfect to get a transplant done but the age at which most people get it done is when they are about to get married. Another helpful tip – get your transplant done at a good clinic that has experienced surgeons and good infrastructure and facilities. Where you get your transplant done matters. Some of the best hair transplant clinics in Gurgaon and Mumbai can definitely do a great job about this.

Only a careful and deep study of the hair transplant clinic will give you the desired results.

Dr. Arika Bansal

Dr. Arika Bansal

One of only a few female surgeons specializing in hair transplant surgery in India, Dr. Arika Bansal has been voted one of the best doctors in the world. She maintains an active membership in the ISHRS and regularly submits research papers to medical journals. 15+ years down the line, 15,000+ surgeries are accomplished under Dr. Bansal’s supervision. She specializes in female hair transplant, density improvement, corrective hair transplantation and hairline design.

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