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Why Do Hair Transplants Fail?

Why Do Hair Transplants Fail?

Dr. Arika Bansal
Dr. Arika Bansal

20 September, 2022

Be it any surgery, whether cosmetics or non-cosmetics, what you expect from these is nothing but results. When you opt for cosmetic surgery, your expectations are very high.

Hair transplant surgery is no different. But, before going for it, be aware of the fact that many such surgeries do fail as well. We all must have come across such failed hair restoration surgeries.

This article is trying to elucidate almost all the reasons for the failure of a hair restoration procedure. A thorough read and understanding of this blog will ensure that you may never require to look for corrective hair transplant surgery.

But First, Let Us Understand The Signs Of Failed Hair Transplant:

  • Unnatural look: If someone could easily make out that you had received a hair restoration service without knowing that you were previously bald, then that is the biggest failure of your hair transplant. Any cosmetic surgery demands that it should look the utmost natural and a hair transplant is none different.
  • Poor hairline design: A successful hair transplant will always demonstrate a natural-looking and perfect hairline design. If your hairline is not transplanted well, then that is the biggest failure of your hair restoration surgeon. A good hairline design is a primary need for successful hair restoration.
  • Depleted donor area: If you are wondering why some hair transplants fail, then let us tell you that poor donor management is the biggest reason behind the same. If someone is having a hair transplant at an early age and his donor area is not managed to keep future needs in mind, then that is the biggest sign of failure.

Now, Let Us Have A Look At Various Reasons For The Failure Of A Hair Transplant:

Graft Rejection In Hair Transplants

Yes, this is very much possible. You must be very well of the hair restoration procedure of extracting hair from the back of your scalp (Donor area) and then subsequent implantation of those grafts to the bald area (Recipient area). Whenever the patient’s immune system assaults the given graft and starts destroying the donated tissue or organ, graft rejection takes place.

The existence of the donor’s own distinct set of HLA proteins, wherein the patient’s immune system will recognize as alien, typically initiates an immunological response.

Inexperienced Surgeon For Hair Transplantation

When determining the everlasting safe donor location for hair transplantation, less experienced doctors are more likely to make mistakes. The undesirable outcomes of a subpar technique would ultimately affect both the recipient and the donor area if doctors collect follicular grouping produced through inappropriate harvest from the scalp.

The back of the patient’s head serves as the primary donor location during hair transplant surgery, from which healthy follicles are removed.

The surgeon’s experience ought to be one of the variables you take into account while looking for an FUE or DHT hair restoration specialist. Avoid taking the chance of being a hair transplant clinic’s “subject” of a trial-and-error investigation.

Your assessment should be based on both the reviews and testimonies of prior hair transplant patients as well as on locating a specialist with years of expertise as a hair restoration surgeon.

Unrealistic Expectations In Hair Restoration

Every hair restoration surgeon must inform his patient or prospective patient that hair transplants are not perfect. As there is a finite number of grafts available on your scalp, thus, baldness cannot be cured to an extent of 100%. Only an illusion of density is created by hair restoration surgeons.

To understand this better, read our entire article – Hair Transplants Are Not Perfect.

Inadequate Post-Surgery Care In Hair Surgery

Your doctor will give you detailed information on the post-operative care that you will be performing for the ensuing days and weeks, along with after-care instructions, after your hair transplant surgery.

Some patients have been seen to have severe flaking skin around their hair shafts. Scabbing this area or washing your hair improperly could negatively affect the graft’s survival and the procedure’s outcome.

In some circumstances, unsanitary environments might lead to dangerous diseases.

Are You An Ideal Candidate For Hair Transplantation?

Now, this is also something to give a thought about. You might have developed baldness, but still, that does not necessarily make you an ideal candidate for this cosmetic procedure. This is because you might have a really bad donor area. Consequently, no hair can be extracted from your donor area.

Though, the advancement in science allows for the transplant of even body hair like chest hair, abdomen hair, or even pubic hair to the scalp. But, that’s another level of science. Read everything about ‘The Body Hair Transplant,’ here

If even after the due research or simply bad luck, your hair transplant fails, then the world doesn’t end for you there. This is because corrective hair restoration surgery is very much possible.

Read everything about corrective surgery here:

Dr. Arika Bansal

Dr. Arika Bansal

One of only a few female surgeons specializing in hair transplant surgery in India, Dr. Arika Bansal has been voted one of the best doctors in the world. She maintains an active membership in the ISHRS and regularly submits research papers to medical journals. 15+ years down the line, 15,000+ surgeries are accomplished under Dr. Bansal’s supervision. She specializes in female hair transplant, density improvement, corrective hair transplantation and hairline design.

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